Sunday, January 24, 2010

Our Week

Hey Everyone!

Even in the storm Bianca and I managed to keep smiles on in the kitchen and make some yummy dishes! Our schedules are completely different in the evenings this quarter and sadly I have to spend Wednesday nights cooking alone, but it's all worth it when Bianca enjoys what I have prepared! So, last Wednesday I went big and made Indian Dosas. The dosa pancakes were made out of rice flour, stuffed with a curried garbanzo paste and topped with a coconut curry sauce. Absolutely delicious! I would say mildly spicy, not too bad at all and Bianca could even handle it. The recipe can be found on Andrea Meyers's blog. Of course, with my style of cooking I always loosely regard measurements and pick and choose ingredients based on my taste and what we have available. Really, its the greatest way to cook!

Here is Bianca, who came home just in time to make the dosa pancakes! She whipped up the batter and fried them just like regular pancakes, they came out great! Very easy and simple, the only bad thing was that as we rolled them up after filling with the curried garbanzo paste they cracked a little bit :( It was okay though, didn't hurt the taste. Our home was being used for a Bible Study so Bianca and I brought our dinner into our bedroom and ate traditional Indian style on the floor. It was very fun and after running around all day not seeing each other we had a lot to catch up on.

As mentioned previously Bianca and I made our own raw vegan puddings like the one from Juliano's restaurant! They were wonderful. Bianca used the recipe from Juliano's book Raw cookbook and I used the recipe from Ani Phyo's Raw cookbook. Avocado is the base for both of them. Mine, sweet and simple was 1/2 an avocado, one ripe banana and 1/3 C carob powder. Blend together and enjoy! Bianca's was much more intricate and contained avocado, carob, almond butter, dates, agave and vanilla extract. I know it sounds wierd with the avocado but trust us it's delicious and definitely worth a try! We captured a picture of all of the ingredients from Bianca's just before she blended it all, but the final products though delicious were not 'taste-spotting worthy'. For those that don't know, Taste Spotting is a blog that gathers recipes from all sorts of food blogs and posts them, the pictures are of excellent quality and all of the posts look beautiful!

Bianca and I have discovered a new great salad! It's made from kale and the dressing is lime and avocado, can you tell we have an overload of avocados right now? Not usually the case, but Bianca's uncle gave us a ton from his tree. To make the salad, cut up one bunch of kale, removing the stems, chop 2 T cilantro, 1-2 radishes, small tomato, half an avocado and mix together well in a bowl adding 1 T sesame seeds and the juice of 1 lime.

I have had my eye on a breakfast idea that I saw in Ani's cookbook and on Rawmazing; flax pancakes. So I prepared them on Friday and put them in the dehydrater early Saturday so Bianca and I could enjoy them for a late weekend breakfast! I'm just loving having this dehydrater so much it really broadens the whole eating raw thing. And it makes it so much more fun! The flax pancakes were topped with a syrup made from agave and rasberries! Here is a picture, it's hard to see the pancakes but you get the idea.

Well, that was our week at a glance! The sun is out now and we're hoping it'll stay :) Well at least I am! God Bless!

p.s. We also made oat biscuits with carraway seeds that we at with pumpkin soup which I will post soon!

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