Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sweet Corn and Tempeh Soup

I am so sorry it's been almost a week since my last post! Bianca and I celebrated our graduation with family and friends last weekend, thank you to everyone who joined us. The days since have been a little busy with the holidays and such. But tonight I managed to throw everything together for this soup and let it cook while I ran one last Christmas errand. So much shopping and not even completely done yet.

What if Christmas was about giving from your heart and not from your wallet? What has become of this holiday? I know it's talked about so much, the loss of Jesus within the hype of Christmas. But it really is something to give our attention to. It's a struggle for me. To buy and buy and buy and watch as thousands of dollars are spent on mostly unnecessary gifts. While at the mall my thoughts drift to the missionaries in third-world countries, without food or water literally sacrificing everything for the sake of the gospel. And I think, am I giving all of myself? How do I be here in this moment, shopping with my family and imitating Christ who said, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me," (Matthew 19:21). Can't I just move to Africa or India? But God has placed me here, in the midst of a family with abundant blessing unrecognized as God's gifts. Teach me Lord, how to be love. I am learning, daily, because He gives me grace to walk according to His Spirit and strengthens my character throughout.

Well, back to the soup. Mom and Nan liked it. Took my mom a bit, as usual. But she ended up really enjoying it!

1 sweet onion
3 sticks of celery
1 chili
3 garlic cloves
1 quart low-sodium vegetable broth
6 heads of corn
1 package tempeh, 8oz

Chop the onion, mince the garlic and saute in a little grapeseed oil. Let the onions turn golden brown. Add the celery.
Cut all the corn off the cobs. Throw in the corn from three of the heads. Crumble the tempeh and toss in as well and stir.
In a food processor, blend the corn from the other three heads of corn. Pour in the vegetable broth and then the corn mixture.
Turn stove top on low and let the soup simmer for about 30 minutes. Stir well and serve with freshly chopped parsley and black pepper.

So there you go, make this soup before the winters over!

Love you all,

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