Monday, April 19, 2010


After reading somewhere that when you boil beets the skin simply falls off of them I had to try it out for myself. What I's true! It's really that simple! Previously I had avoided them because I always thought you had to peel them before you cooked them, and trust me if this was the only way it was not worth. Your hands, the sink, and everything around you becomes stained fuchsia and in the end all you get is an addition to your salad. But now I just throw a bundle of them in a big pot of boiling water, refrigerate them and use them all week long! It's fabulous! I love all the variations, yellow, red and candy cane!

Beets do take awhile to boil, after the water is at a rolling boil check after 15 minutes by sticking a fork directly into one of the beets. When they are tender and the fork easily pierces the center of the beet then they are ready. Strain them in a sink with the water running on cold. Once the beets are cool enough to touch, simply rub them with your fingers and the skin will peel off. Cut them in squares, throw them in salads and store the rest in the refrigerator for 3-5 days.

Another great thing about eating beets if you don't have to waste anything! The beet greens are fabulous as well and contain many nutrients. Cook them like you would any other leafy green like kale or chard. I have discovered my favorite dish is steam sauteed beet greens, I prefer the red ones, with lots of lemon over quinoa. It sound so simple but the combination is wonderful. Another way to use the greens is to juice them, really this vegetable has endless possibilities :) that's why its my new favorite!

One more fun fact, they stay in season year round! Hooray for beets!

<3 Dani

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