Friday, May 21, 2010


As soon as I started eating raw I created this amazing raw applesauce that has become one of Bianca and I's favorite breakfasts! It's really easy and there are so many great variations it's hard to get tired of.

The Original Applesauce Recipe:
1 large apple, or 2 small
2 T ground raw flax seeds
1/2 t cinnamon
Process in a Cuisinart, adding a little bit of water accordingly to create a thick but thoroughly blended mixture.

-Alternate between golden and brown flax seeds, the golden seeds have a much nuttier taste.
-Blend in additional fruits such as persimmon, apricot, pear, cherimoya, or kiwi. Hachiya persimmons are my absolute favorite! Remove cinnamon in all combinations except pear.
-Top with sliced or chopped fruit such as bananas, strawberries, raspberries, or peaches.
-Soak dried goji berries, drain and add to the mixture before processing.
-Remove cinnamon and add stevia.
-Add nuts such as almonds or walnuts.
Flax seeds have so many wonderful benefits and have been used for thousands of years. The seeds can also be eaten whole but they can't be digested that way so you miss out on the fiber, protein and essential fatty acids they have to offer. The seeds are easily ground in a coffee grinder if you buy whole but they can also be bought already ground as flax seed meal. I recommend buying whole to maintain the most nutrients. Store whole and ground seeds in the freezer as they last longest that way.

Please try this one and let me know what your favorite combination is!
<3 Dani

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