Monday, January 18, 2010

DIY Project

I absolutely love tea. And when you love tea, you start to collect all of the gadgets that go along with it...such as tea pots, diffusers, loose leaf tea, bagged tea, etc. Anyway, last year I broke my all-time favorite Bee House loose leaf tea pot, and could not stand to throw it away. I tried to glue it back together, but tea seeped through the cracks...disastrous. I tried to think of what I might be able to use (or rather re-use) it for.

I have been wanting to do something with it for months, and yesterday I finally planted a cute indoor plant in it. I have determined that broken teapots are the perfect vessel for indoor plants since water can drain through the small cracks after watering.

Here is what you will need to create your own:
broken teapot/tea cup
potting soil
small indoor plant (I particularly like ivy or angel vine)


  1. Hey Dani & Bianca! I love it :) Thanks for sharing your blog. It really encouraged me. Thats so creative what you decided to do with the broken tea pot, thats right never toss something just cause it's broken you never know how the Lord can restore it and use it for a different purpose. Hope to see you girls again soon.

    Love Claudia :)

  2. Thanks so much for looking at the blog Claudia!! Dani and I miss you so much and can't wait to see you soon! Let me know if you have any ideas about broken things that we can make new again. :-)

  3. Hi Dani,

    Great idea. The pot doesn't even look broken.
    I love the site.

