Saturday, March 6, 2010

DIY: Heart Shadow Box

I have been meaning to show you all this heart box that I made around Valentine’s Day. Even though it has a bunch of hearts, I think it is something that I can leave up in my room, even when it is not February. I got the idea from sarah & bendrix on etsy, and while mine did not turn out nearly as cute as her’s, it’s a start. I borrowed my friend’s “cricket” which is a gnarly scrapbooking tool. For those of you who are not scrapbooking queens, it looks like a printer with a blade. It has a key pad where you can choose shape and then the cricket cuts out as many as you want on a sheet of paper. It cut out all of these hearts in about 3 minutes.


Shadow box

Paper for backing

Paper for hearts

Heart paper punch, or cricket if you have one

Rubber cement

Directions: I think it is pretty self-explanatory how you would execute this project. But after you have all of the hearts cut out, fold them in half and glue them down on one side in a random order, or however you would like. I glued some of them flat as well. I thought that these heart boxes would be cute gifts for friends and family too! What do you think?

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