Friday, February 26, 2010

Our Favorite Pizza

After a long week of running around getting papers I feel like I am finally able to just sit down and relax. Bianca and I made our favorite pizza crust tonight and then enjoyed a nice dinner together. Then we spent some time "dweebing" as she calls it when we check out our favorite blogs to see whats been happening. Me, making our grocery list and finding some delicious new recipes, and Bianca browsing the latest DIY projects and finding crafts for us to do whenever e have a free day. I've 'hired' Bianca for her first official project. Two projects in fact, there are two blank wall spaces in my bedroom that are needing something desperately. One is on a red wall that I have and I want to hang these two little paintings my Papa did, but Bianca is in charge of the details. Then second, and more demanding on Bianca's part, I have a half a wall with nothing. Her job is to find that perfect something: simple and delicate, yet charming to the eye. You'll be updated as this progresses, get excited!!

Back to dinner.....I can't believe we haven't put this up yet considering we've never eaten the same thing so many times. But what's so great is that we change the toppings around all the time to make it unique and it's great every time! The recipe is based on a pizza recipe taken out of the September issue of Cooking Secrets, the Best of Cooking Light.

Cornmeal Crust
1 C corn kernels (frozen or raw off the cob)
1 T lemon juice
1/4 C vegan butter
Blend in a cuisinart until well blended. Sometimes we add in a couple more corn kernels so there are whole pieces of corn in the crust, totally up to you. Also, a little water can be added to help it blend.
In a bowl combine:
1 1/2 C flour (rice, oat or any other flour you like)
1/4 C cornmeal
1/2 t sea salt
Mix together, then add in the blended corn mixture. Mix well until you form a dough. Cover hands with cornmeal, grip dough and flatten into a circular pizza dough shape. Bake at 400 degrees for 45 min or until crust is golden brown, time will vary depending on how thick the crust is.
Note: Lay down foil on a pan so the pizza dough won't stick.

Topping Ideas:
*Marinara Sauce, thinly sliced eggplant, zucchini and squash.
*Mac Cream (can be found in a previous post), fresh basil and thinly sliced tomatoes.
*Pesto with diced tomatoes and minced garlic.

As you can tell from the pictures tonight we had the pesto, it was delicious but the Mac Cream with basil and tomatoes was Bianca and I's favorite. Certainly will take longer but so worth it!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Eggs: 2 for 25 cents

MOST of the time I follow the Genesis 1:29 diet that Dani talked about a couple of days ago. It is truly a wonderful, life-giving way to eat and live. However, last year I used to have eggs every morning and they are still something that I occasionally crave. We went on a lovely hike to Inspiration Point on Saturday morning with Emma and on the way down the mountain, we noticed an adorable farm house, with this setup outside the gate:

I bought a couple of the eggs, which had a cool, blue tint to them, and brought them home for breakfast the next day. Sunday morning I woke up and enjoyed two eyeballs, commonly referred to as "eggs in a basket" or "moons over Miami." I forgot to take a picture of them, but I think you can tell that I thoroughly enjoyed them. Dani managed to take a picture of what remained.

Love you all and blessings to your week.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sabbath and "Stir Fry"

"So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God. For the one who has entered His rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did from His. Therefore let us be diligent to enter that rest, so that no one will fall, through following the same example of disobedience." Hebrews 4:9-11

I absolutely cherish the Sabbath, our house is learning to rest on this day and find peace in the Lord's plan. It's quiet around the apartment, worship is playing and words of wisdom being shared. With such busy and hurried weeks it's clear why God gave us the Sabbath to rest.

Woke up this morning and enjoyed the beauty of God's creation as Lindsay and I ran on the cliffs above the beach. We are too blessed to live here. Then we did our usual Sunday outing; shopping and perusing the Farmer's Market. Bianca discovered a new tomato stand with bruised tomatoes for 1.99 lb, we bought 5 big tomatoes which in our opinion weren't even bruised for only $5! Definitely gonna be going back to him every week. I ventured into the Asian vegetables stand and bought a diakon. Below is the recipe I used it for. It's taken from, my favorite raw blog, but slightly altered to my liking. I substituted the diakon in for a parsnip. I figured it was an asian stir fry it would naturally work right? It was stronger for sure but with everything else it added in it was quite tasty.

Broccoli and Mushroom "Stir Fry"

1 head of brocolli, chopped
1/2 C sliced mushrooms
tossed heavily with Bragg's, a bit of coriander and cumin
Set aside to marinade.

1 Diakon, peeled, cubed and grated in the food processor
1 carrot, shredded
1/2 C snap peas, chopped
Mix together in a bowl.

Mix in the broccoli and mushrooms. Pour all the extra marinade in. Top off with some mung bean sprouts and cilantro leaves.

Hope you enjoy! Have a blessed Sabbath!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Genesis 1:29

Hello Everyone!

I know it's been terribly long since either of us posted anything. The Valentine's Day weekend really swept us away :) Separated for the weekend we both had stories beyond stories to share with one another all praising God for what he is doing in our lives!

Last night a friend was video taping Bianca, Lindsay and I in the kitchen rummaging for food. She narrated, somewhat sarcaastically to our eating, "We keep in Genesis 1:29 in this house, the life of righteous woman" and as we all broke into laughter I was reminded why we eat so whole and so fresh. Genesis 1:29 says, "Then God said, 'I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.'" God created so many amazing foods for us to eat and experience healthy bodies through. He has brought Bianca, Lindsay and I so much joy as we explore all the different fruits, vegetables and grains, some we never even heard of before!

As usual here's a great raw, vegan, recipe and simple too!

Asian Coleslaw
1 C purple cabbage, shredded
1 C green cabage, shredded
1 green onion, thinly sliced
a handful fresh cilantro, chopped
1 stalk celery, chopped
1 carrot, shredded
1/2 small tomato, chopped
1 T apple cider vinegar, or rice vinegar
1 T red wine vinegar
1 T Bragg's, or soy sauce
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1 t sesame seeds
pinch crushed red pepper, salt and pepper

Toss all ingredients together and top with the sesame seeds! Enjoy with chopsticks!

Monday, February 8, 2010

DIY: Memories Hung on the Line

Dani and I desperately needed to liven up our room with some pictures of friends and family so we decided to print a variety off of snapfish and display them. There are so many fun ways to show off your dearest friends and closest memories, but in the end, we decided to hang them using ribbon and clothespins (which we got from Michael's). What's cool about this project is that it's SUPER easy, and it allows you to change out the pictures frequently or add other inspirational photos and trinkets to the mix. Below I have posted some inspiration for your clothesline.

Noodles with Mac Cream

Finally...another post! Sorry I know its been a long time, we've been busy. Midterms can do that to you very easily. But we had some more time this weekend and after a long day of studying at a coffee shop we prepared a lovely raw meal! Bianca has been wanting to try Juliano's raw Mac Cream recipe since we got the book over a month ago. We decided to serve the cream over kelp noodles with sun-dried tomatoes and balsamic mushrooms. It turned out delicious! If you haven't had kelp noodles before they're certainly a different consistency, kinda crunchy but you get used to it and there really rather good. I'm sure you can find them at any health foods store, we bought them here at our local coop in Isla Vista. The raw Mac Cream and balsamic mushrooms are very simple and I've posted the recipes below for your viewing! Enjoy and please try!

Mac Cream
from Julianno's Raw Cookbook
1 C raw macadamia nuts
1 C raw cashews
1/2 C lemon juice
1 1/2 t sea salt
1 T garlic
1/2 t peppercorns
Blend in a Vita-Mix. The consistency starts out very think, we added a lot of water to thin in out and get it really creamy.

Balsamic Mushrooms
handful of mushrooms, sliced
1 T balsamic vinegar, toss with mushrooms, add more if needed to coat them lightly
1/2 T all-purpose seasoning, again enough to cover them all
Place on dehydrater tray and dehydrate for about 2 hours on 105 degrees.

To serve toss the Mac Cream well with a serving of kelp noodles, throw in some of the balsamic mushrooms and sun-dried tomatoes and enjoy with a fork and knife! You'll need it to cut the noodles :)