Back to dinner.....I can't believe we haven't put this up yet considering we've never eaten the same thing so many times. But what's so great is that we change the toppings around all the time to make it unique and it's great every time! The recipe is based on a pizza recipe taken out of the September issue of Cooking Secrets, the Best of Cooking Light.
Cornmeal Crust
1 C corn kernels (frozen or raw off the cob)
1 T lemon juice
1/4 C vegan butter
Blend in a cuisinart until well blended. Sometimes we add in a couple more corn kernels so there are whole pieces of corn in the crust, totally up to you. Also, a little water can be added to help it blend.
In a bowl combine:
1 1/2 C flour (rice, oat or any other flour you like)
1/4 C cornmeal
1/2 t sea salt
Mix together, then add in the blended corn mixture. Mix well until you form a dough. Cover hands with cornmeal, grip dough and flatten into a circular pizza dough shape. Bake at 400 degrees for 45 min or until crust is golden brown, time will vary depending on how thick the crust is.
Note: Lay down foil on a pan so the pizza dough won't stick.
Topping Ideas:
*Marinara Sauce, thinly sliced eggplant, zucchini and squash.
*Mac Cream (can be found in a previous post), fresh basil and thinly sliced tomatoes.
*Pesto with diced tomatoes and minced garlic.