Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Persimmon Pudding

I love this season of fruit because persimmons are my absolute favorite! Bianca and I saw this HUGE persimmon tree today while driving to our friends house. We stopped at tried to pick some but unfortunately only got a few because it was too high. We even backed the car up real close so I could stand on it and reach higher. We're determined.

This pudding was simple and easy and delicious, like most of my recipes. It's nice for when you're wanting something a litter sweeter. I ate it for breakfast and felt like I was having dessert! Of course, you have to like persimmons or you won't enjoy this pudding at all.

2 hachiya persimmons
2 T ground flaxseed
1/2 t cinnamon
Chop persimmons, add flaxseed and cinnamon and blend in a cuisinart. Process until well mixed and there are no chunks of persimmon, you'll want it smooth like pudding.

Yep, it's that simple! Serves for a nice little treat. You can use fuyu persimmons if you'll like, make sure there well-ripened because that puckery thing they have when there not ripe yet is terrible!

<3 Dani

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