Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Healthy Snacks

By special request I have decided to write a post on healthy snacks. Some people are big snackers and some just aren't. I myself am not a huge snacker but I have experience in this area because Bianca is a major snacker. If you're trying to eat healthier and you know you're a snacker than it's very important to have healthy stuff around to grab when the munchies come along!

Here's some ideas:

-dried fruit

-trail mix

-Larabar's, fruit and nut bars that are mostly raw

-almond butter with celery or carrots or apple slices or banana

-hummus with veggies slices (cucumber, celery, carrots, snap peas, etc.)

-popcorn, preferably with olive oil and NOT butter (I know Trader Joe's makes a pre-popped bag), toppings like nutritional yeast or cinnamon are great on popcorn for a little flavor

-rice cakes (brown rice preferably), topped with hummus or almond butter and fruit preserves (made without sugar), a great alternative for fruit preserves is to buy frozen berries and leave them in the fridge, they defrost and becomes all mushy, it's a bit messy but completely natural

-tortilla chips and salsa

-crackers, WHOLE GRAIN, meaning no enriched or white flour, preferably gluten free

Alright, if you keep these things handy you'll certainly be good to go anytime you get hungry before your next meal! Snack away!

<3 Dani

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