Monday, January 24, 2011

Raw "Oatmeal" made with Oat Groats

I finally had some time this morning to use my VitaMix, which I had gotten for Christmas and hadn't even opened yet! I know so sad. But to my surprise it was a much smaller VitaMix than I had ever seen. At first I was disappointed but then I realized you know what, there's no reason that I need that big of blender anyways. It actually works out so much better for storage! So thanks Mom and Dad!

It's been a little warmer here in Santa Barbara so I've been increasing my raw foods. It really is so much easier to eat raw when it's warm, I just can't do it as much with the cold weather. But I will say I think I am getting ahead of myself here becuase I have been rather cold myself lately. Either way, I'm venturing into raw grains for breakfast. I made this raw oatmeal from soaked oat groats and it was delicious!!! Omigosh, the "oatmeal" was really gooey and reminded me of cake batter! Try this! Unfortunately, you will need a VitaMix blender to grind those tough oat groats into the right consistency.

You'll need to buy raw oat groats and then soak them in filtered water for at least 12 hours. I simply placed a few handfuls in a glass bowl, filled the bowl with water, covered with a paper towel and let sit in the cupboard. After 12 hours, drain and rinse well. Sometimes oat groats can acquire a bitter taste, this is where the rinsing helps. Place in your VitaMix with some water and blend on low variable, adding water to get the right consistency. Which there really is no right or wrong it's more like what you would prefer. I added about a cup of water to mine because I wanted it to be pourable yet thick.

Then to make this into a well rounded breakfast bowl I added a spoonful of ground flaxseed, sliced bananas and a sprinkle of cinnamon. It has become my new favorite breakfast! I know I said that about my other breakfast too but once I make something new and exciting I just get so into it!
Thought I'd include this picture for a less glamorous yet more reasonable look into this breakfast. Once you mix all the wonderful toppings into the oatmeal it's a sticky delicious mess!

Hope you enjoy as much as me!
<3 Dani

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