Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's

After a wonderful holiday and moving back down here to Santa Barbara, I'm finally getting to spend the afternoon doing what I love most...just being. Sitting at my desk here sipping peppermint tea, my latest obsession, I'm so aware of my abundant life found only in Christ. I have been given so much. So much.

Ryan and I are going to read Oswald Chamber's My Utmost for His Highest this year. Last night, we began the first day and even though Oswald keeps his daily devotions short there is so much! Ryan began sharing about how we have so much, so much to be thankful and it's so true. I am often a complainer, it's almost more of habit than anything else, and I hate it. I want God's perspective for my life, I can rejoice in all things. I want nothing to stand before God and I and the joy I have received from simply knowing Him. Not His blessings, or His gifts, or the experiences I gain from Him, no simply knowing Him is where I receive life.

I have thought of many New Year's resolutions, some silly some more serious. I'm actually really into New Year's resolutions, I think there really fun. Bianca tried last year to work on becoming more flexible. Her goal: to bend forward and be able to touch her head to her toes, with a flat back. I would say she accomplished this goal! This year I want to run a half-marathon. I want to learn Spanish. I would love to have more time to blog, to begin writing a book about Ryan and my story. But most of all above anything else I just want to become the woman that God has made me to be. Being satisfied and content where I am at, knowing God receives me right here and meets me exactly in this place but living with a deep hunger for truth that is endlessly satisfied.

What are your desires for this year? I think it's a valuable thing to spend time thinking about. With God as the motivation behind everything, knowing He will satisfy your every desire.

Love you all and Happy New Year,

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