Monday, May 3, 2010

Double Decker Veggiewich

Bianca came home the other day starving, or should we say completely ravenous. This is not uncommon around here and I know that I'm known for exaggerating but really I'm not. We've all learned the ways of Bianca and when she's hungry, she is H-U-N-G-A-R-Y. So in a matter of a couple minutes she created this masterpiece and it hit the spot...just perfectly :)

To start you must have on hand Bianca's infamous hummus which I can not believe I have not shared with you until now.
1 C cooked or canned garbanzo beans
3 T extra virgin olive oil
1/4 C lemon juice
2 t cumin
2 T tahini
1 clove of garlic
Blend all ingredients together in a food processor.

Spread hummus on sprouted wheat bread. Layer thinly sliced cucumber, tomato and bell peppers on one half, stuff the other half with sprouts and top with a think layer of avocado.

I dare you try it!
;) Dani