Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Cookies

Nan and I had a great Easter, simply relaxing around the house and enjoying each others presence. We started our off by going to church Water of Life and then decided that we were just going to hang around the house today. The pastor at WOL had a great sense of humor and somehow he puts everything in such a way that makes so much sense. This morning he said, "And what do I come here every week to tell you, that God is crazy about you!" I just love the way he put it and it goes perfectly with the book I am currently reading, Crazy Love by Francis Chan.

The truth about God's enduring love is astounding. It struck me while I was baking my Easter cookies and she was sitting at the table reading the paper. We barely spoke at all but it was just so nice to be with her. We so often have days like this and it really made me realize how much God just simply loves to be with us. That so often we "spend time with Jesus" praying or reading our Bibles, which are essential aspects of faith but how much does he love to be invited into just simply being with us. Who are we to be so loved that the God of the universe wants to be with us in our minuscule day to day tasks? Who am I that He wants to sit with me while I bake cookies? I am awed by that love, a love that is greater than life itself. A love that is relentless and so overwhelming it causes you to love him back and give him your life. That is one of Francis Chan's main points, that only out of a true love for God can we exercise a faith that is pleasing to him. I believe that love stems from revelation into how much God really does love you simply because you are you :)

"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers." 1 John 3:16

Hope you had blessed Easter! Here are those cookies I was talking about.

Cashew Lemon Thumbprint Cookies

2 C oat flour
1 C finely ground cashews
1/4 t salt
1/4-1/2 C lemon
1/4 agave syrup
1 t vanilla extract
any flavored fruit extract, I used raspberry, grape, and orange

Add the dry ingredients; flour, cashews and salt together and mix. In a separate bowl, mix the wet ingredient; lemon, agave and vanilla. Then slowly fold wet into the dry ingredients and mix together. The mixture should be very thick and doughy. Then roll into spoon size balls, flatten and using your thumb make a whole (not all the way through) in the middle to place the jelly. Spoon the jelly into the wholes. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees.

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

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