Thursday, June 17, 2010

God's Garden

Yesterday, I had the blessing of visiting a friend of mine, Rita’s garden. This place was truly beyond beautiful; I saw God’s glory in every part! My love for gardening is becoming a reality now since I’m home and can plant some veggies of my own to harvest. Rita was so great today to take time away from assisting her husband, they’re building a garage and new home all by hand from the trees on their own property. I think it’s just the greatest thing, and the best part-they give God all the credit! “Every house is built by someone, but he who built all things is God” Hebrews 3:4

Rita’s garden has a large variety of vegetables, beets, kohlrabi, kale, lettuce, spinach, carrots, zucchini, yellow squash, and that’s just the start! She has a great caged in area with two aisles of blueberry bushes, they won’t produce fruit this year because of all the pruning but the plants are thriving and very happy :)

We had planned to have me assist all summer with the garden but we realized there really isn’t much work to be done. Rita was so kind and has welcomed me to come by whenever I like. Hopefully, I can find some mornings to come and enjoy the beautiful garden while spending time with the Lord.

Learning about plants, flowers, and gardening really opens my eyes to the beauty of God’s creation. He truly was perfect in how he designed everything to work. This connection that his people were meant to have with the land he gave them is so valuable in understand more about his kingdom. Really, I’ve been realizing how so much of what happens on earth is a metaphor for greater things to come. Jesus taught so often in parables regarding sowing, harvesting and producing fruit. These simple tasks reveal truths about the nature of God and demonstrate his splendor. I feel such a closeness to Him while I am working with his creation. "And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed." See guys, were meant to be in the garden! Basically, I want everyone to start growing their own garden and enjoy watching the miracle of God's creation grow. Not to mention the health benefits of eating the most locally grown and organic veggies is great too.

I was at the farmer's market downtown Santa Cruz yesterday as well and they had a stand with plants, so I grabbed Sun Gold and Brandy Wine tomatoes, Diva Cucumbers, and Italian Bell Peppers. So I've got my own little garden started, very little considering I don't have any beds yet just pots. Baby steps right? If you're just starting with gardening herbs are really easy, small and super fun because you can just go right out and snip some off for cooking! Alise informed me today that Costco is selling a 6 pack for $11! Hurry because you know how fast Costco sells out of things!

Thank you Rita, you are truly a blessing!


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