Monday, February 14, 2011

Michael Pollan Lecture

After a fabulous night at the Michael Pollan lecture at the Granada downtown last Thursday this sister is ready to get back in the nutrition swing! I was like a little child on the edge of my seat eating up everything that he was talking about. If you are not aware of who Michael Pollan is then please look into it. He is the leading advocate for the sustainable food movement who has written multiple books unveiling the food industry in this country, among them are The Omnivore's Deilema, In Defense of Food and Food Rules. I was lucky enough to have him sign my book on Thursday night, which means yes I met him! And I was the first one in line!! It was great, absolutely great.

I think most importantly that night God really redirected me towards my dreams, towards the passion that He placed so near to my heart. After experiencing such physical healing as I did myself I want everyone else to know the miracle of the human body to heal itself by God's design. Nutrition has become such a blurred and confusing topic more than anything else, and I want nothing more than to be a part of providing people with the simplicity behind eating Biblically. I want to proved people with the knowledge to treat one's body like a HOLY temple and to empower people to feel the best they can. Our spiritual health is certainly not dependent upon but it is definitely linked to our physical health and I can say that I have experienced all of the darkness that can come along with serious health problems. I can now say that I feel better than ever and have the ability to minister to people in a whole new way, my physical health leads to a great spiritual health that allows me to give of myself in entirety.

So here I am, having just graduated UCSB with a double major in Communications and Religious Studies, saying yes to God's call to pursue nutrition. What exactly that means, He has yet to reveal, but the excitement that is building as I wait upon Him is exhilarating. God's track record of faithfulness in my life is beyond outstanding. I believe with every ounce of my heart that He is going to come through. All I can do is follow my dreams, have the most hope and know that the failure is only in not trying at all.

Be sure to check out Michael Pollan's work, he is quite educated and caught up on all the issues revolving the food industry. I can guarantee you will not be wasting your time!

"...My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." Hosea 4:6

God calls us to be knowledgeable. To be aware of what's going on around us. God gave us this earth and all the living things on it. If we are to be good stewards of what we have been given I believe we have a part to play in bringing justice back to something as near to us as what we eat and where it comes from.

Please be in prayer for me as I embark on this journey towards seeking His plan in all of this. Thanks to all of my followers!

<3 Dani

1 comment:

  1. Ok it's pretty clear that we're due for a phone check-in... it appears we have much to talk about! But for now, just wanted to let you know 3 things: One, the blog looks great! Please keep it up. Two, WEAR YOUR GLASSES ALL THE TIME- you look so adorable here I can't believe it! And three, I haven't read it myself but I've seen lots of women toting around Barbara Kingsolver's "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" and I think someone who is interested in "The Omnivores Dilemma" might find it interesting :-) Talk you soon, Love you!
