Monday, February 28, 2011

Butternut Squash Lasagna

The sisters are back in action! Not exactly cooking or blogging together, but definitely being together. Being there for each other, loving, crying and laughing when necessary. One thing Bianca noted about our friendship today was that unlike other people when there's a time to laugh and a time to cry, there just isn't for us. We laugh when we should cry and cry when we should laugh, honestly it's soothing.

You all probably know how I am by now, when I find a recipe that I really really want to make but somehow it takes FOREVER for me to get around to it. Well this is one of those recipes. I literally have had this recipe bookmarked for months now. Something seemed to always get in the way, but not tonight! And with Bianca, James and a fabulous bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon we had a wonderful evening.

1 box of brown rice lasagna noodles
1 jar of marinara sauce
1 butternut squash
1 sweet onion
pinch of red pepper flakes
1 lb of spinach

Peel, spoon out the seeds and cube the butternut squash. Dice the onion and toss with the squash, a drizzle of grapeseed oil and the red pepper flakes. Be careful not to give it too much spice! Roast in a baking dish at 425 degrees until the squash is tender about 30 minutes. Once tender puree in a food processor till creamy.
Boil the noodles until very al dente. Steam the spinach and drain. Layer in an 9x9 pan starting with sauce, then noddles, then butternut squash puree, then spinach, then sauce again. Add a second layer of noddles, butternut squash puree, spinach then sauce. One last layer of noodles then sauce.
Bake at 425 degrees covered with foil for about 20 minutes. Spoon out carefully with a spatula, lasagna can get messy!
Bianca, as usual, was very skeptical hovering over me wondering what spices I was using. But she and James both liked it! I was so proud of my accomplishment! My dad even had some, and he actually had seconds! Really, this recipe is simple for a lasagna so you should try it!

This is what the Lord is speaking to me today:

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonions 5:16-18

Paul is serious and so is God, give thanks in ALL circumstances, the worst included. This is the WILL OF GOD, what could I possibly want more as a woman living to please the Lord than to seek His will. So I am, I am being thankful in any and all of my circumstances. Know that even if you are in the darkest place, you can rejoice because God is madly in love with you and His love is everlasting.

"He's got your back," says the inspiring James Catalano.

In His love,
<3 Dani

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