Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Herbs and Redemption

The other day I finally got around to planting new herbs in my pots! Same pots as last year's herb garden, only when I went home for the summer and left them with a friend they died...a kind of horrible death in fact. When I picked up the pots after those warm months they looked so sad and dried up.
Maybe I'm over spiritualizing it but I felt like as I tore up these old plants and replanted them with new, fresh and thriving herbs I couldn't help but think of God's redemption.

"If we are children of God, we have a tremendous treasure in Nature. In every wind that blows, in every night and day of the year, in every sign of the sky, in every blossoming and in every withering of the earth, there is a real coming of God to us if we will simply use our starved imagination to realize it." Oswald Chambers

God really met me out there while I was gardening, in His creation he demonstrated this truth of redemption to me. If I can't believe than I am completely new, that my old self is done away with how can I really even move forward? I refuse to live in regret. I feel like it would be a pity to what the cross has taken care of. My sinful nature. Completely done away with. It has to be.
The gift of redemption is one of the greatest gifts. That I get to walk in freedom not chained at all to any of the ways I have acted. Thank you God. No one cane give you this gift, except God and you can not work for it or earn it, for it is free and given to you by His never ending grace.

The choice is ours, mine, to choose to believe that I am filled with the Spirit and being led into life and away from sin. Will I fall short? Yes, continually, but the beauty is that I am ever being redeemed and further conformed into His image.

Believe His love for you covers everything.

In Him,

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