Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Plant Cafe

It's funny how my blog has become a place where I advertise for restaurants but it is a great place to promote healthy eateries. And boy have I found a new great place! Though most of my readers are from Santa Barbara it's still fun to hear about great food. And now when you're in the bay area now you know where to eat! This place is at Pier 3 in San Francisco between Washington and Broadway. It's absolutely fabulous, on the water and very classy inside. The food was superb and they serve kombucha on tap! Which I am huge fan of currently however we order Pina Colada flavor and it was not my favorite.

Bianca, who always asks for a recommendation from the waiter took her advice. Ryan and her both ordered the plant burger and they agreed: excellent! The burger was home-made from lentils, mushrooms, beets, cashews, bulgur wheat and topped with roasted onion, lettuce, aioli, house made ketchup, and was served with a side of mixed greens and roasted potatoes.

I ordered a dish of corn meal crusted tempeh in a pomegranate reduction with sautéed brussel sprouts all served over quinoa with crispy shallots and olives. The flavors were delicious! I want to somehow try and make a version of this tempeh though it will be tricky.

James ordered the chili-lime marinated chicken breast panini with fresh mango and home-made aioli. I asked James, who is sitting here with me to act as a food critic. He said it was good, the chicken didn't have any lime taste though, the mango was a good touch but it needed avocado. We both realized that the sandwich was supposed to come with avocado but it didn't come on his!! So bummer to The Plant Cafe....but this sandwich could have been a hit if it was prepared right. Everyone makes mistakes, we all would go back again and overall it was really fun to eat here!

I love leaving healthy restaurants and feeling really good. Not overly full or heavy, or as Ryan says ready to take a nap. You feel like you should after you eat, like you fed your body what it needed and you're no longer hungry. Treat you're body like a holy temple and you'll feel the difference. Trust me, I understand it's not always an easy task choosing the healthy option. And unfortunately in our society the healthy option is always noted for being less tasty which I only agree with in part and actually most of the time refuse to agree with altogether. Either way the point is that healthy eating is a key piece to the puzzle of experiencing a wholesome life. My prayer is for people to become empowered to experience that life.

Notice that healthy eating is only a piece to the puzzle, though a very important piece nothing can replace the value of a life in Christ. Without it one can not even begin to experience life at all, in fact the Bible says we're dead in our trespasses before repentance and acceptance of the grace set apart for us at the cross.

"But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ, by grace you have been saved." Ephesians 2:4-5

It's free, accept His great love, salvation is waiting.

In His hand,
<3 Dani

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