Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mulligatawny "Cabron" Style

Bianca's step brother Travis made this Indian style stew for us back during Christmas and I have been wanting to make it for my family. Sadly, they don't prefer Indian or vegan food so naturally it wasn't a hit. Someday I am going to make a meal they love.....someday. They loved the cucumber salad that I made though, recipe courtesy of a long time family friend.

Mulligatawny "Cabron" Style
4 big garlic cloves minced + an equal amount of ginger minced
1 white onion
2 carrots diced
1 green serrano chili (or more if desired)
1 T each of red curry powder, garam masala, coriander powder, turmeric
3 C of lentils, preferably red lentils but green is okay
2 1-quart vegetable broth containers
1 small cauliflower chopped up bite size
1 bell pepper diced
1 can of coconut milk
bunch of cilantro

In a large pot saute onion, garlic, and ginger in olive oil until onion softens, 5-8 minutes. Add all the powder spices and cook for a minute or two. Add lentils and vegetable broth and then cook on medium for fifteen minutes. Add the cauliflower, bell pepper, and serrano chili pepper. Then cook until lentils are done, about another 15-20 minutes. Once lentils are done, fill the blender about half full of the soup and a handful of cilantro, then pulse blend it slowly as blending hot liquid can "explode". After it is blended add it back to the pot at which point you can blend more if you want it creamier. I blend the whole soup making it a traditional Indian like stew that you dip Naan bread into. Now, for the people who like it really spicy, I take about of cup of the stew and blend it with an additional chili pepper and serve this part separately on the side so they can add it in accordingly. Add the can of coconut milk to the main part of the stew and cook on med-low for about 3-4 minutes stirring regularly.
Cucumber Salad
3-4 cucumbers, thinly sliced
half a large red onion, cut into thin ringlets
3-5 T brown rice vinegar
2-3 packets stevia

Throw all ingredients in a bowl and toss, add ingredients according to taste as you are preparing
the salad. Very simple but very delicious, let refrigerate for at least a half hour and the cucumbers get really crispy.

Serve the dinner with fresh Naan bread, it's best if you can find it at your local Indian restaurant and pick it up that day. I found a good whole wheat Naan, though not vegan, at Whole Foods. It was a special treat :) Cause really? What's Indian food without the Naan!

Bad news at the Rhoades house, we had a bit of an explosion on our stove top after this dinner and now we have to buy a new one! Which means while my dad is gone for the week, we won't have a stove-top! We're going to have to revert to the microwave, and get creative using the oven. So get ready for some oven baking recipes!

Have a blessed day,
<3 Dani


  1. DANI! I love that you've been posting so much lately! I wish I had more time to cook to try more of these recipes. looove you and cant wait to see you soon! :)

  2. Hey Lina! I'm so glad you've been reading, I realized last night I'll be in SB in just about two weeks, so see you then!
