Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Green Smoothie and Yoga

I went over to my dear friend Rita's this morning for some wonderful time with the Lord doing yoga. She has been learning about yoga for some time and is quite excelled by my standards, we so enjoyed each others company as we let our bodies extend and rest in such wonderful poses.

I was feeling extra enthused about my early morning, though I must admit it was not exactly early by most people's standards it was for me! I wanted to kick start my morning with something light but energy inducing so I made a GREEN SMOOTHIE! I've been wanting to make one of these for a long time, I actually tried on Wednesday a well but the blueberries overpowered the green powder and it was purple! I had success this morning though. My mom said what does it matter that it's green. I thought for a moment and all I came up with is that it really makes me feel like I'm being suuuper healthy, and who doesn't like that?

So here's my first GREEN SMOOTHIE recipe, enjoy! Oh and trust me, you won't taste anything yuckie, the fruits are so sweet it tastes like any other fruit smoothie.

In a blender add:
1 sliced banana, fresh or frozen
1-2 T freshly ground flaxseeds
1/2 blueberries, buy them frozen the defrost, you'll need all the liquid from the juices to blend the smoothie
Blend well, you may need more liquid, I just added a little water. Then add the green superfood to the blender.....
1 t spirulina
And blend again thoroughly mixing in the spirulina. Not green, add more!

Spirulina a microscopic blue-green algae in the shape of a spiral coil, living both in sea and fresh water. You can buy it in tablet, flake and powder form. I bought the powder in bulk at a health foods store. Spirulina contains and unusually high amount of protein, and it contains all nine of the essential amino acids making it a complete protein! Great for us who eat a diet without dairy or meat! It is also a great source of minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids. Get in on this stuff guys, I can not believe I have been missing out on this.

Why spirulina over all the other micro-greens? I hate all the additives that come with packaged barley grass or wheat grass. I want the plain, whole deal and it's hard to find in the grocery store. I normally prefer Hallelujah Acres BarleyMax which is pure raw barley grass juice extract but you can only buy it online and I ran out. Spirulina certainly has my attention now though!

<3 Dani

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