Saturday, March 5, 2011

Millet and Brown Rice Pancakes

Somewhat late last night I decided to make my favorite pancakes and then I realized I haven't even shared them on my blog yet! These are quite delicious and have numerous health benefits including gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, and oh did I mention delicious! They just require a little preparation which is why last night around 11:30 I was rummaging through my kitchen to find the coffee grinder. The grains must be ground fine and then soaked overnight so be sure to plan ahead with these!


2 C brown rice
1 C millet
2 C waterUsing a coffee grinder grind the grains very finely. The finer the better because you want it to be like flour. Mix well in a bowl before adding the water, then slowly mix thoroughly with the water, cover and let sit overnight.
In the morning add:
1 large apple, chopped
2 T flaxseed, soaked in 4 T water for a bit to become an egg-like substitute
2 t cinnamon
In a Cuisinart and process well.
Slowly add to the soaked grains and stir well. Add 1 T aluminum-free baking powder and stir through. Heat a skillet, lightly coat with grapeseed oil or coconut oil to prevent sticking and fry like you would any pancake. Top with fresh fruit and drizzle with agave or maple syrup!
It's quite a thing when you believe that God has given you dreams and then he takes them away. But it happens, "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord," Job 1:21. But I know that God does not give us more than we can handle and that He really opens a new door when He closes another one. God made a promise to me about getting to follow my dream of nutrition last summer and I held tight not knowing how, what or when. I believed it was Bauman College and now to see it's unfolding right before me is overwhelming! I met with an academic adviser last Tuesday, sat in on a class Thursday, filled out my application on Friday, sent in my enrollment on Saturday and I start class on Wednesday! Really, it's only God who has the ability to do such a thing. The best part is that I never thought I would get to be in the classroom at all since I live in Santa Barbara, but I am going to start out in the classroom for the first section of the program and then switch over to Distance Learning and continue from Santa Barbara. I am just thrilled. Be prepared followers I am going to have so much to share with you!

Be showered with blessings,
<3 Dani

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