Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Banana Pudding

Annalisa and I drove home to Santa Cruz yesterday for my birthday party. Yesterday, was officially my 21st so I hosted a Wine Party where everyone brought a bottle of wine from a different country. We certainly had plenty of wine! I had the most fabulous night though, I feel so blessed and am so thankful for great friends both in Santa Barbara and here in Santa Cruz. But more details on my party later I still have so much to share with you before that.

Back to Saturday night at Holly's. We all made this wonderful dessert of banana pudding with carob sauce, goji berries and coconut shreds. See the idea came to me to make Banana Whip, which is basically like banana ice cream and then do all these toppings like sundae's. However, the bananas didn't freeze completely and therefore it came out more like pudding but everyone really liked it!

To make banana pudding:
Step 1) Peel bananas and put them in the freezer in a sealed bag. Freeze for about 6 hours.
Step 2) Set up a Champion Juicer with the blank screen.
Step 3) Push bananas through juicer one at a time serving into small bowls. 1 large banana should be about one serving.

Carob Sauce
Goji Berries, soaked in a little water for a couple hours then drained
Coconut Shreds

To make carob sauce:
Step 1) Throw a good handful of dates into a Vita Mix, removing the pits beforehand.
Step 2) Add 2 large spoonfuls of carob powder.
Step 3) Pour a little bit of water in and begin to blend on lowest variable. Add more water as needed to make a fudge like consistency.

Everyone can assemble their own bowl of banana pudding adding toppings as they like. I prefer the goji berries soaked because then their fuller that way and not as much like raisins but you can always just add them in dried.

<3 Dani

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