Monday, September 6, 2010

Breakfast Pudding and Prayer

God has been increasing my faith and growing my heart for prayer in a way I can not even fully express in words. In his undying love for us He can not help but give us what we ask of Him. Ask Him for the details, He cares so much. Pray the details!

I think so often we only address this issue of what's too big to ask Him, but what about this issue with us thinking things are too small? Because that's so obviously what keeps us from including Him in all the little things. But He is dying to be able to be a Daddy to you, to spoil you rotten. Today I literally felt like I was His most spoiled child and that's okay, He wants us to feel this love from Him. And in the end, He gets all the glory, He gets all the praise! Guys, above all let Him spoil you with Himself, with His presence, that's His heart's desire for you.

"Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then. being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!" Matthew 7:9-11

This is for reals guys, He wants to give you the desires of your heart!

I have been so encouraged by this book, though I have yet to read it, but Rita was sharing with me about how much she loved it and wanted to read it with me. Oswald Chamber's My Utmost for His Highest, I'm sure you've heard of it, if not look into it! Anyways, the Cohen's have a bookshelf with a ton of old books, you know like the ones with hard covers that look dusty even when there not. These are my favorites ones :) I noticed they have a copy of this book and I was so excited. I was showing it to Bianca and wondering where could I find an old copy like this, because I didn't just want the book, I wanted an old vintage copy from the 30's, talk about details right? So Wes, takes the book, writes me a little encouraging letter inside, sticks this Rejoice cross on it and gives it to me as an early Birthday present! I could not have been more blessed!! It was so amazing. God cares guys, about the smallest things.

So there I was the next morning REJOICING in the day of the Lord. And eating my usual breakfast only this one was a mix of chia seeds and flaxseeds, I had to use what I had. But I discovered they're really good together! Try it!

1 T chia seeds
1 T ground flax seeds
1 apple
1 nectarine, nice and ripe
Place chia seeds in a little bowl and add a little bit of water, let sit and the seeds will soak up the water like in the Chia Pudding. Chop up apple and nectarine and throw in Cuisinart, add 1 T ground flax. Once the chia seeds have soaked to a pudding like consistency add to the cuisinart and blend it all up.

<3 Dani

P.S. I think I get this gift giving stuff because my Daddy did spoil me rotten :) Love you and am so thankful for you Dad.

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