Thursday, October 14, 2010


While my mom was in town we went out to eat at this fabulous Mexican restaurant on State Street, Carlitos. I had always heard it was great but never got around to going. My mom got all excited when I told her I was thinking we should go here, she's all "Ooh yea we can get a margarita". Now, my mom never drinks and I have only been 21 for a month now (exactly!) so it was a special occasion for both of us. As we both take our first sips simultaneously I go, "It's so strong" and she goes, "It's so good". My brother burst into laughter, with my mom and I following, we're quite a loud bunch :)
The food was so great, we we're all so amazed. My brother ordered Popcorn Shrimp Tacos, my mom and I shared the sizzling faijitas dish with Grilled Mahi Mahi. I haven't eaten fish in months, it was a nice change. I needed some serious protien after our 20-mile run that day. Then we ordered mango sorbet, a wonderful light dessert to end our night. I really went all out :)

Looking for a nice restaurant with healthy food, this is a great place! Home-made corn tortillas are naturally gluten free and delicious! Many of their dishes are vegetarian or even could be adjusted to be vegan. I post a lot of restaurants because I know it's harder to eat healthy out but really if you know where the good places are then it becomes simple and enjoyable to eat out.



  1. That is so funny that you and your mom shared fajitas with grilled mom and I had the EXACT same thing at a different restaurant on state street haha!
