Saturday, October 2, 2010

Whole Foods Lifestyle- Drinks!

So I thought to go along with the last post on whole foods I would do a post on excellent drink choices! Equally as important and obviously going to be a question when transitioning to eating this way. I'm not including water on this list because it is so obvious that drinking water is essential, but I will say make sure you are drinking half your weight in oz a day. So if you weigh 120 lbs you should be drinking 60 oz a day.

Healthy Drinks

Freshly pressed Vegetable and Fruit Juices: The benefits of drinking fresh vegetable and fruit juices are ten fold! They go on and on, but I completely understand that a juicer is required and college students don't have the time either. However, know for later in life and for when you happen to be somewhere that makes fresh juices be sure to get some!

Tea: black tea, green tea, white tea, roobois, herbal the list goes on and on! If you aren't already into tea you will be! If you think you don't like tea that's ridiculous because there must be thousands of different tea flavors on the market and you are bound to like one of them. Also, ice tea is great for summer time, check out this post. Lots of teas have medicinal purposes as well which is great! Buy loose leaf preferable, it's so much better. Coconut Water: The water inside the inside of a coconut is super healthy, I literally believe it's God form of rehydration for athletes! It contains tons of the four types of electrolytes, all that are lost during vigorous exercise. Bianca and I drink them on our long runs.

Kombucha: A fermented tea that is often drunk for medicinal purposes and is usually raw! It contains millions of probiotics which are healthy bacteria that promote digestion. This drink is very strong and taste highly carbonated, try and few different flavors before giving up!

Wine: Wine has medicinal purposes if drunk in small quantities. The Bible points to wine as a natural way to help with infirmities and has been enjoyed for centuries. Be sure to buy organic!

Milk Alternatives: There are listed on the previous post.

Happy drinking,

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