Friday, October 15, 2010

Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Pesto

I bought this Sweet Potato Gnocchi at World Market Cost Plus because it was vegan and made it with whole-wheat, rare for gnocchi. And I LOVE gnocchi. So I had a plan to make it with pesto thinking that paired well with sweet potato. Then after making cauliflower sauce for pasta out of blending steamed cauliflower with seasonings I came up with the idea of blending broccoli with the regular ingredients of pesto like basil, oil, and lemon. It was delightful! So easy too since gnocchi boils in like 2 minutes. Try this! Krissy had a taste and said it was awesome!

1 package Sweet Potato Gnocchi
1 head of broccoli
1 bunch of fresh basil leaves
half a lemon freshly squeezed
1-2 T Udo's oil blend, you could use any oil you have on hand
Steam the broccoli until softened. Begin boiling water and cook the gnocchi as directed on the package. In a cuisinart, blend the steamed broccoli, basil, lemon and oil. Garlic would also be a great touch! Add the pesto to the gnocchi, mix well and serve!

I will definitely be making more of this meal! If you get around to World Market Cost Plus anytime soon stock up! They have some great food items and really good prices. Especially for seasonings, Bianca always recommends this place to people looking to buy spices.


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