Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fall-ing Out Your Room

Kinda like changing out your room, only for the Fall! Which I know began quite a bit ago, but still we have a ways to go before Christmas. Fall is my favorite season, maybe because I'm a September baby, but I have always loved the wonderful, warm colors and though it's getting colder, it's not too chilly yet. The fashion for Fall gets me too, boots and scarves, oh I just love it!

"And God said, 'Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years.'" Genesis 1:14

It's cool to think about how God had all the seasons in mind when he created the world and he planned exactly when each should start and each should begin. He truly is so creative. So the least I can do is get a little creative in decorating my room according to the seasons! Here's what I did to welcome the Fall season into my room, just some simple changes, but even the simple things can make a nice difference.

While in Pismo the other weekend, Bianca and I spent the day with one of our closest friends, Cassie. She had been wanting to take us to the Avila Beach Barn, where they have a sort of farmer's market but in doors and all the time. It was a wonderful time to take us there because they are tons of pumpkins and squash. I mean I have never seen so many, of all types, shapes, sizes and colors! It was so much fun! We picked up some little pumpkins there, you can spot them on my dressor in the picture below. This is so easy to do and you can pick up pumpkins like this at any grocery store right now. If you live in IV, the Co-op has some great heirloom pumpkins and you can expand my idea and put larger pumpkins on your porch or outside your door.
Then for my desk I needed a change also. Ryan has been bringing over apples for us from some trees at his house. I thought, perfect! Apples are totally Fall fruits and in this white barrel I found they'll look great! Overall, I was exctied by my new additions and I think the best part was I only spent $3 on the pumpkins and got creative with stuff that I already had.
Bianca got a little inspiration and after walking out to bluffs today she picked up some acorns and wallah, perfect Fall decor! She is so wonderfully creative like that, always picking flowers while on walk. It's easy and fun to get creative so Fall-out your own room!
Have fun,
<3 Dani

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