Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dino Kale Salad

I always enjoy a good kale salad and it's a nice way to mix it up from the usual lettuce choices. This recipe is from one of my favorite blogs, Rawmazing. I saw it last week and bought all the ingredients at the farmers. One tip is to make sure you have a very ripe avocado because it mashes all over the kale as you mix it, almost creating a thick dressing. Mine was not ripe and I was bummed :( Other than that it was delicious!
one bunch dino kale leaves
red onion, thinly sliced
purple cabbage, thinly sliced
baby roma tomato, sliced thinly
one glove garlic, minced
half a lemon, juiced
drizzle of flaxseed oil
salt and pepper
Slice the kale into one inch slices, not including the stems at the end.Throw into a bowl, drizzle oil and lemon, add chopped avocado and mixed garlic, mix well with a fork. Add red onion and cabbage, I just threw in small handful of both and the tomato slices. Pinch of sea salt and pepper. Toss and refrigerate for a couple hours. I always like to make these kale salads in the morning then enjoy them for lunch, it's better to let the flavors marinade since kale is stronger than other greens.

I've really been reminded lately about God's perfect soveriegnity. That His plans and purposes are what prevails. How restful is that revelation? It just makes me exhale and sigh in relief that I am in His hands. And what better hands to be in than the God who created the universe and set every star in the sky? The God who came in the flesh and felt everything that you have, are or will ever feel? The God who loves you because He loves you because you are.

"I know you can do everything, And that no purpose of yours can be withheld from you." Job 42:2

"Many are the plan's in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21

In his peace,
<3 Dani

P.S. I've been really encourage lately by haw many of you viewers I really do have! See it seems like no big deal but I really do put a lot of thought into these posts...and time! But I'm doing it by faith because I can't see how many people are viewing and I rarely receive comments, maybe from Bianca :) Which is totally fine, it's great to know the Lord is using it lately and I pray so much that people's lives can be touched by the devotions. Also, for people to know that good health is so easily before them through God's created diet! Please pass on the site to anyone who is need of assistance with diet or healthy eating!

1 comment:

  1. I'm now an official follower! Although I have been "unoffically" reading your blog forever :-) I love the ideas and really appreciate the recipe suggestions. You girls are doing awesome things, keep at it! And Bianca, you have the most amazing design eye- post more ideas! Thank you both. xo
